Monday, January 14, 2008

Go with it!

I am now convinced that the only productive working hours are from 7am to noon at best. Seems like after that the boss comes in and decides he needs me to work on something "more important", or a customer calls and has a problem that requires immediate attention, or my coffee wears off and I loose focus rapidly...

So, I'm going to work smarter not harder and go with it. I'll plan my day so that task that are most important will get accomplished between the hours of 7am and 11am and meetings that require half hour drives each way and another 2 hour waste of time will be scheduled for the after noon.

If I could discover more of the natural flow I'd be well on my way to Niagara falls of productivity...

Do you have more ideas on how to be more productive with a day? I'd be interested in hearing them...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Our part/Gods part

Today I realized how important it is for us to understand what role we play and what role God plays in our lives. For example; our role is to study, Gods role is to give us understanding. Our part is to work diligently, Gods role is to provide for us. By misunderstanding these roles it can cause significant 'brain damage' if we are trying to force things to happen. We should always consider what our part is and be disciplined and diligent to perform our part and then understand that the Lord must do his work in us as well. We must also trust that he is good and that in his timing he will do his work, while we must be consistent to do ours.

A man plans his ways but the Lord directs his path.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Things we all do

In class today some one mentioned not wanting to question sales reciepts because we don't want the cleark to think she couldn't afford something even though she knew it was wrong. This so reminded me of myself that the thought stuck with me all day. Why is it that we care so much what people think that we are willing to overpay in order to influence their perception of us? I've been paralyzed by the fear of what others think many times. I don't have an answer for this... Over coming fear of what others think is one of those 'just do its'... Only diligence and persistence prevails...
Today I realized the importance of having one unifing element in our lives. Something to hold us together, something to stand for. Some call this meaning in life. Its really all of the above and allows us to be at peace with our selvs as one being.

This came about as just a passing thought to me... not really marked by a memerable event. It is important though to recognize these revelations and remember them. So I'm marking it here.