Monday, January 14, 2008

Go with it!

I am now convinced that the only productive working hours are from 7am to noon at best. Seems like after that the boss comes in and decides he needs me to work on something "more important", or a customer calls and has a problem that requires immediate attention, or my coffee wears off and I loose focus rapidly...

So, I'm going to work smarter not harder and go with it. I'll plan my day so that task that are most important will get accomplished between the hours of 7am and 11am and meetings that require half hour drives each way and another 2 hour waste of time will be scheduled for the after noon.

If I could discover more of the natural flow I'd be well on my way to Niagara falls of productivity...

Do you have more ideas on how to be more productive with a day? I'd be interested in hearing them...